Author: |
81-7007-161-5 |
Edition: |
4th Reprint JAN-2014 |
Multiple Book Set: |
No |
It is a Pleasure for the Editors and contributors of the Volume V of the Comprehensive History of India to present to students of history this volume roughly covering four centuries of Indian history, which were fraught with momentous changes and developments. This volume was planned by a Committee of the Indian History Congress which met at Aligarh in 1943. The plan of the cominittee laid down that there would be one chapter for each dynasty of the Delhi sultanat and one chapter for the dynasties of every province. We have kept this scheme unchanged. But the accumulation of historical material during these years had disturbed the neatness of the arrangement and chapters had to divided into sections. Beyond that, the contributors had full freedom about sub-sections and passage headings.
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