Author: |
8170071011 |
Edition: |
JAN 2008 |
Multiple Book Set: |
No |
This study of the institution of slavery in ancient India was undertaken some years ago and seeks to examine the vicissitudes through which it passed over a number of centuries. Taking a slave to be a person who is under the full power of his master, liable to be beaten, branded or killed at the sweet will of the latter, an attempt is made herein to see if the slaves's lot had always remained the same or if it had undergone some changes in course of time. As and when a change is noticed, effort has been made to place it in its socio-economic set-up. The period covered is primarily from the sixth century B.c. to the beginning of the Christian era, but chapters have been added to examine its antecedents from Mohenjo-daro downwards. In the end, Smrti -evidence is also analysed with a view to gain some idea of what happened to this institution afterwards.
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