Author: |
8170071922 |
Edition: |
SEP 1995 |
Multiple Book Set: |
No |
Most of the Western scholarship has been busy trying to catch up with Mikhail Bakhtin, perhaps the tallest stalwart among the twentieth century thinkers, a theoretician whose works appeared in translations only recently though the chequered course of his immense literary productivity spans a long period of nearly six decades from 1920s till his death in 1975. Bakhtin's work is of crucial and singular significance for the Third World critics engaged in a historic dialogue permeating the genuine inter- individual territories of the specific cultural critiques of colonialism, post-colonialism and neo-colonialism because it is a historic struggle not only for a space called novelistic text but also a text of dialogdical, democratic and egalitarian life for all which looks forward to the demolition of the unitariness of the so called centre , to the disintegration of the so called stable verbal- ideological systems responsible for the societal fragmentation, atomization and subversion of humane voices.
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