Author: |
K.Marx |
Edition: |
MARCH 2010 |
Multiple Book Set: |
No |
I examine the system of bourgeois economy in the following order: capital, landed property, wage-labour ; State, foreign trade, world market. The economic conditions of existence of the tree great classes into which modern bourgeois society is divided are analysed under the first three headings; the interconnection of the other tree headings is self-evident. The first part of the first book, dealing with Capital, comprises the following chapters: 1. the commodity: 2. Money or simple circulation: 3. Capital in general. The present part consists of the first two chapters. The entire material lies before me i the form of monographs, which were written not for publication but for self-clarification at widely separated periods; their remoulding into an integrated whole according to the plan I have indicated will depend upon circumstances.
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