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SEP 1981 |
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The Russian Blue Book, containing secret consular despatches from Calcutta to St. Petersburg between the years 1912 and 1917, was published by the Soviet government in 1918 in keeping with policy of friendship and amity with the peoples of the colonial word. Early in 1908 Lenin saw in the Russian defeat of 1905 by the Japanese, the Russian revolution of 1905, the revolution in Persia and the "young Turk" revolution in Turkey, the signs of a forthcoming awakening of the oppressed peoples. " The revolutionary movement in various European and Asian states has recently made itself so felt that we are beginning to see emerging a new, incomparably higher, stage in the international proletarian struggle.... There is no doubt that the plunder of India by the English, which has been going on for centuries, and the current struggle of the "advanced" Europeans against Persian and Indian democracy, will never millions of proletarians in Asia to wage a victorious struggle against their oppressor."
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